Thursday, December 3, 2009

Keep in touch to stay top of mind

Staying connected with clients, prospects, people who could be prospects, friends of the firm and vendors is important for any small business. Here are some ideas for maintaining constant contact that can help generate referrals and new projects. Some are old-fashioned, and some use new media.

1. Thank You Cards
In the Internet Age, there's nothing like a hand-written note to make a lasting impression. It can be a simple note of appreciation – nothing fancy, but sincere and genuine.

2. Congratulatory Notes
Keep your eyes open for news about your clients and prospects’ achievements, awards, promotions, mergers and new business deals. Send a few words of congratulations and you’ll make a lasting impression.

3. Facebook
You can ping contacts with quick notes via Chat instead of e-mail or voicemail that requires login and fully crafted sentences. You can also help friends connect with other friends who can help them with personal or professional challenges.

4. LinkedIn
Watch for status updates of people within your LinkedIn network. Send a quick e-mail to offer comments or to share helpful information. It’s a great opportunity to keep your name on their radar screen.

5. E-mail on the iPhone
E-mail is the lifeblood of business, but sometimes the quantity is overwhelming and messages can be lengthy. You can stay on top of this with your IPhone or Blackberry by deleting or forwarding messages from the grocery store, or while waiting for the next meeting to start. It's quick and convenient and makes it easy to keep in touch.

Authored by: Linda Leatherbury