Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Philanthropy: 2010 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business

While we all resolve to do things like exercise more, eat healthier, and organize our closets in the new year, now is also the time to think about business resolutions.

This year, consider philanthropy as a business resolution for 2010. Not only does philanthropy work help communities, but it also provides a public relations opportunity for your company.

When choosing a business charitable venture, look for a cause that your employees will feel passionate about. And, consider hands-on ways to involve your employees. One way you can do this is by donating actual services your company provides. For example, an accounting firm could donate tax return help to parents at a local Boys and Girls Club.

There are many ways to publicize your business philanthropy work. You can write and distribute a press release to local papers and community newsletters. Also, you can add information about your charitable projects to your company web site, Facebook page, or Twitter account.

Personal stories of the people your company helps can also be pitched to local papers. When volunteering, be sure to personally engage with the people you are helping and take photos as appropriate.

True philanthropy work is more than just writing a check to an organization. It is an opportunity to personally give back to your local community and make a difference.

We hope in 2010 your business will find a philanthropic cause that provides both personal and professional fulfillment. Happy New Year!

Authored by: Linda Leatherbury