Friday, February 5, 2010

Key Messaging Essential in Attracting New Clients

Imagine yourself in an elevator with a prospective client who asks what your company does. Would you know what to say? Would your answer reflect the same messages conveyed on your web site, marketing materials and social networking sites? Would all the company’s employees answer the same way you did?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, then likely your company does not have an established set of key messages. These messages -- preferably no more than three -- serve as the foundation for all communication about a business. They give your clients and prospects a clear understanding of who your company is, what it does and why it’s better than the competition. Key messages often spell the difference between success and failure in your ability to attract clients, grow and prosper.

New mediums such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn make it even more important to ensure that your company has a platform of key messages that are consistently presented throughout all written, online, and spoken communication.

The Leatherbury Group has the proven ability to help you develop compelling key messaging that offers competitive advantage. Don’t lose another new client because you couldn’t differentiate your company and clearly define its benefits.

Authored by: Linda Leatherbury