Monday, April 12, 2010

Benefits of Creating a Business Facebook Page

With more than 400 million active users from around the world on Facebook, there is tremendous potential to build your brand and add potential clients through social media.

Many savvy business owners are finding out that Facebook isn’t just a fad for teenagers -- it’s helping build profitable business relationships. A recent Network Solutions/University of Maryland study of 500 small business owners found that 70 percent were satisfied with their social media efforts and 61 percent said it helped identify and attract new customers.

Developing a Facebook business fan page is one element of a social media strategy for small businesses. Benefits include:

Branding: A fan page is an added element in your branding process. The media, prospects, and potential employees can search for information about your company before even talking to you.

Conversations: You can use your page to generate an interactive dialogue with clients and prospects. Readers can ask questions, make comments, post their own content and ultimately engage in a two-way discussion with your company.

Website traffic: You can link to your corporate website site and blog throughout your fan page to increase traffic.

Information: Your page is an excellent vehicle for distributing news, photos, information about events and special promotions. And, readers won’t feel spammed by you, since they can pull and read your updates at their own pace instead of being inundated with e-mail blasts.

Analytics: You can gather demographics about your fans through your page’s Insights area. You can view data on who your fans are, their gender, age range, and what they are doing the most on your page.

And, consider this. If you don’t already have a Facebook business fan page – you are already missing out, since your competition likely already has one.

For more information, or to get started on creating your company’s Facebook fan page, contact The Leatherbury Group.

Authored by: Linda Leatherbury

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