Sunday, June 13, 2010

Is Print Collateral Dead?

In an increasingly online-driven marketing world, will print collateral disappear? With more companies using digital mediums including websites, Facebook, blogs, online ads and emails to spread messages, is there still a need for the traditional company brochure? This is a topic I have given much thought to recently and have come to the definite conclusion: print collateral is here to stay and let me tell you why.

Branded print collateral is an essential component of your company’s overall marketing mix. It compliments your online efforts and serves as a tangible way to leave behind your messages. Printed pieces such as brochures, direct mail or product sheets are still a memorable method of educating clients and prospects about your company’s services and benefits.

Although digital marketing can reach masses of people quickly, print collateral is essential for your one-on-one interactions and as a leave-behind at conferences or sales meetings.

And, finally consider the emotional and personal value of print material. For example, while I may still read some news, magazines and books online, there is nothing more emotionally satisfying than reading a good hardback book, the print version of the Sunday paper, or receiving one of my favorite design magazines in the mail. And, on my birthday, a hand-written print birthday card feels more personal than an email or eCard.

So, while fancy, media-rich marketing efforts are on the rise, don’t forget the tried and true print collateral!

Authored by: Linda Leatherbury

1 comment:

  1. I am finding in my consulting work in higher education that print collateral is still thriving.
